Why does my boyfriend feed me like I’m a baby?

at first I thought it was something sweet he was doing, it is common for boyfriends to feed their girlfriends every once in a while, when my boyfriend did it too me I thought it was the sweetest thing ever he even read me bedtime stories to go to sleep ( he loves to read bedtime stories to everyone so that part isn’t weird it’s just something he likes doing” but it’s got to the point where he told me if I can sit on his lap so he can feed me I felt uncomfortable but told myself he just wanted to be nice and I didn’t want to rude so I said yeah of course! But while he was feeding me he made the airplane noises you know like the one parents do to their little kids to make them open their mouths. I started to get weirded out but again I told myself I was overreacting I then thanked him. Sometimes he does feed me at times and calls me his little girl ( because he’s 6’1 im 5’1 not sure if this is a kink of his or because he’s taller than me” am I overreacting? Is he weird?

He’s a pedophile and has some kink for it
He’s just trying to be nice and sweet
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Why does my boyfriend feed me like I’m a baby?
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