Am I the asshole?

So I've been talking to this guy for a while and we recently started to get physical with our relationship. So i asked if we could slow down a bit cause we've been doing it a lot and feels like that's all we meet up for so he agreed and thought it was a good idea. We're hanging out tomorrow at his place tell me y is this guy texting me at 10pm in the night about it I wanna do it I can tomorrow when I mentioned our agreed he says to stop acting like I don't need it too then when I reinforce the no he says 'it's a joke bro' like wtf. Then he goes along to say he wanted to see if I'd keep my word or not. I didn't wanna have sex once cause I had a really bad tummy ache but I had sex with him anyways cause he can't finish by jerking off with said fever I had. Then he said when was that when I mentioned the time I was sick. I try to jog his memory he says he doesn't remember I say don't worry about it anymore cause I'm getting annoyed and this bitch responds with 'okay.' Like what the he'll. Then I'm the mean one.

Am I the asshole?
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