Not sure this is a good place for this topic but how would I make my boyfriend pay more attention to me?


I get asked out by other guys often and they give me the attention I'd want from him. Even if though I don't want it from other guys I still find myself enjoying it and that's a big problem. I only want his attention but it feels like he doesn't show it at all. He says he loves me and wants to stay together indefinitely but his actions don't show it at all. I feel the same toward him so I don't want to break up.

I've tried talking to him about this in subtle ways but he doesn't care. The thoughts of cheating on or even making him jealous with other guys is something that comes to me as logical but it's just unethical and doesn't actually do anything except the opposite of what I want.

I just don't get it.

Not sure this is a good place for this topic but how would I make my boyfriend pay more attention to me?
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