Why do Afro-Americans call themselves the N WORD?
Every time I was in school and these men would greet eachother, they’d call themselves the N WORD. But they want to claim that it’s the most racist most insulting word that exists to describe them.

I’m guessing it’s like a way to poke fun at eachother. I’m my Latin community we have a form of this rude greeting or name calling where men will basically call eachother “MARICÓN”. Or refer to eachother this way. Basically it translates to themselves calling eachother “F—GT” in Spanish. But it’s so commonly used that nobody complains about it. Like “Hey F—GT” come over here 😂.
But then in the Afro-American community, even the females will be calling the male the N WORD.
So is it like this?
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