What does “we’ll connect later 🙂” mean?


I met him through Uber. He was really nice and I really enjoyed our talk in the car. Before I got out the car we exchanged numbers.. we were still talking and he looked at me in his rear view mirror and said “…I want to get married and have some babies”

But that was a year ago… I did reach out to him some time later with no reply. He actually just reached out to me last month. We chatted.

I did move out the state.. he did want to do something and even hinted at visiting my state and asked what’s it’s like and if there’s any tech jobs. he asked when I’ll be back

He asked me my birthday and sign… I told him and he just said “oh” …. “That’s not bad I Ike virgos” after that he said “ let’s connect later”

What does “we’ll connect later 🙂” mean?
2 Opinion