Is he chosen to go see someone else instead?

He went out on sat and got a new Instagram follower. I know he didn’t sleep with a girl that night. He was meant to come over Saturday but used the excuse I annoyed him and he was too pissed off. He did leave in a mood

But on Monday and Tuesday he always goes to the gym with his friend and he wasn’t there. Was he away seeing whoever from sat

He keeps swearing to me he’s not talking to anyone from sat. He does massively struggle to get female attention but he is willing to settle.

He then was supposed to come up last night and said I’d pissed him off so never did. Then never went to the gym again

Is he away seeing someone or am I overthinking. He does go see his friends outside of the friend he goes to the gym with but he always makes time for the gym. His friend does occasionally not post him in the gym photos but he recorded himself so he wasn’t here. He does go to his friends band practice a lot too but why say yoyll come over if you were doing that?
He’s seeing someone from sat
It’s something else
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Is he chosen to go see someone else instead?
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