I’m hurt by what my boyfriend has been doing lately?


My boyfriend and I been together 3 almost 4 years. I’ll admit I am a nag and require a lot of attention. I’ve been trying to back off and not be too much, and it seemed to help us and I’ve been trying to get over my insecurities. I saw him yesterday and we had a good time and laughed made dinner together. Asked him if he loved me and he said yes and got a little annoyed when I asked a lot. Today I was busy hanging out with my pal and I called him to say I was all done and I asked if he missed me and he said “ no I just saw you yesterday” should I be offended I hung up. also my boyfriend has been not an emotion full guy and he doesn’t like to get into full feelings. I am the opposite and I love to say how I feel (I miss you etc love you) he’s not into that

Yes that’s mean
No your being sensitive
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I’m hurt by what my boyfriend has been doing lately?
3 Opinion