Guys what would be your perfect partner?

So I've been going down the YouTube rabbit hole lately, but this comment really hit me, and I wanted to get your thoughts on it.

The youtubers were talking about relationships and a wife writing in saying I'm the best wife: I cook, I clean, I sort the kids out, do the drop offs, grocery etc, but he doesn't talk to me, we haven't had sex in months it's like I'm not even there.

The comment was for that woman everything she did was great, as a traditional housewife that's great, but did you ever ask your husband what he thinks a great wife is? Did you both ever have check ins and discussions about what your love languages are?

I've never really been in a relationship, but that's a really great point, simply ask your partner or spouse, what do you need from me? and I'll try my best to do that.
Guys what would be your perfect partner?
12 Opinion