Guys, should I attend an event that the guy I friendzoned will be at?

Guys, should I attend an event that the guy I friendzoned will be at?

I recently friendzoned a guy that I really like. The reason is because we went on this whirlwind romance the moment we met and things got sexual too quickly. He also just broke up with his girlfriend a month prior to us meeting and I did NOT want to be a rebound chick and get my heartbroken.

I wanted to take a step back and get to know each other better but he either takes a day to respond to my text messages now. I haven’t heard from him since my last text to him, which was 5 days ago. The week I friendzoned him we were super friendly over text, sending hug emojis and funny memes and videos to each other. But now it’s silence from him.

A few weeks ago, I RSVPd to two separate events on the same day coming up next weekend (one in the afternoon, one in the evening). I saw that he is also attending the same events now. It’s an app where you can see who RSVPd and when they RSVPd. He RSVPd after I did and I’m thinking about not attending the events because I’m terrified of seeing him. I think it could be very awkward. I’m also embarrassed and hurt because he didn’t return my last text but understand that he owes me nothing.

I genuinely care about him, even though I noticed red flags on the first night we met and thereafter. He’s extremely arrogant and condescending to be honest. I tend to see the good in people though and he does have some good qualities too.

Anyways, do you think I should attend the events? Also, do you think it just a coincidence that he RSVPd to both of those events or does he just really want to attend?

If you think I should go, how do mentally prepare myself to see him and not make it weird and awkward?


Guys, should I attend an event that the guy I friendzoned will be at?
3 Opinion