Am I Delusional? Or does he possibly like me?

Hello!! How’re you guys? I am just inquiring about a dude who is actually my psychologist. He has been doing the whole eyebrow raising at me when I am just looking away. 👀 of course I can see this and tell myself he is just taking an interest. But then he dims the lights and puts a do not disturb sign on the door. Then he makes a deal with me about being kinder to myself and he holds my hand for literally a minute. And makes deeeeep eye contact. I’m shy 🙈 so I look away but he keeps looking. Being that he asks about my life and takes an interest I kind of am falling for him. But recently I found out he has a girlfriend. Is this just me that this man is secretly into me? I need your help! You guys are smart! What do I do also?
He likes you
He is just doing his job
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Am I Delusional? Or does he possibly like me?
6 Opinion