What to do when a guy ghostes me?

So there is thus guy I like 6 months now and I have noticed him glancing at me often when he sees me. So I texted him and we talked about exams. We talked all day he answers pretty quickly which I didn't expect. He was kind and he asked things about my exams or swimming (cause I swim) . I took my time to answer to him sometimes. The next day he still answered my texted quickly but his replies weren't that long and he didn't ask anything about me. Then I said talk to me about anything cause I'm bored. He said he doenst have anything to say. And I said okey. He hasn't opened my text a day now. He was online today for a little while but he still didn't reply. Should I text him and start a new conversation? Or leave the situation?
10 mo
You guys I mean he hasn't even opened my last message yeah that with that I told okey
What to do when a guy ghostes me?
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