I'll date again when there's a better selection of quality MEN?

Define masculinity? I'll consider dating again when there's a better quality of MEN who actually respects women πŸ’―. Women respect men who are in their masculinity and can step up to the plate. The problem - not enough men and too many males expecting women to settle for the bare minimum they call effort. Not including the emotional/ mental garbage their bringing into women spaces [ I call it toxic masculinity] lack of accountability and responsibility for their behaviors , actions, attitude, etc.. I've seen enough out here to know what is toxic and undeemed healthy as a woman with morals, standards, etc... only women with low self-esteem will tolerate abuse.

Why is it when women like me put our foots down the gripping and disappointments begin with men and these titles ( misandrist etc ) no I don't hate men just not going to tolerate bs or disrespect. Do I believe good men exist - far few in between - but I have my views of what masculinity looks like.
I'll date again when there's a better selection of quality MEN?
9 Opinion