Would you have ended things with me in this situation?


My boyfriend and I have been together almost a year. Almost since day one, he’s had a horrible mood swings where he gets raging mad for stuff he’s imagined in his head that’s not true, or he overreacts to little things that aren’t a big deal (like taking longer than 10 minutes to respond to a text message).

probably every other week he’ll say he’s done with me and call me bad names and tell me to forget we ever met and never contact him again, etc. Then he’ll ghost me for a few days or even a week. Then he’ll pop back into the picture like nothing ever happened.

I honestly believe he has BPD.

Long story short, he recently got full custody back of his teenage daughter, but has been struggling to adjust to that because he’s an alcoholic and isn’t really supposed to be drinking too much around her. He told me he felt like he couldn’t be himself, and that it felt like having his ex-wife back at home now that the daughter is living with him. He loves his daughter to death, but I really think he’s got mixed emotions going on right now and struggling.

since she moved in, it was almost 2 weeks before I saw him because he hasn’t let me meet her yet. The first time I saw him after she moved back in, he was super sweet and telling me he missed me and insisted on giving me money for car repairs, and asked me to watch his house for him when he went out of town, which he normally has his friend to do. He didn’t want me to leave so quickly, but his daughter was on her way home so I had to go.

The next day he invited me over, but sent me out to the store for him so i only got to hang out with him for maybe 30 minutes before he said his daughter was on her way home. We got into an argument and I left in a bad mood saying that I felt like I was never gonna be allowed to meet his daughter and I was tired of him, constantly changing his mind about whether or not I can meet her.

then he texted me later that night saying he was done with me and I would never meet his daughter.

Would you have ended things with me in this situation?
7 Opinion