I feel like I can't fully trust him bcs he shows me one thing, but it's usually something else?

I am trying my best to work on my trust issues. I've started therapy and I'm working through it but sometimes my boyfriend really does not help, at all. I feel like he does things behind my back so I don't overthink them and get hurt, but then as I see them happening or know they've happened I feel hurt either way. Prolly more because he wouldn't have shown me it was happening. I'll give an example, we work part time at the same place (it is where we met). When I am around he barely talks to other females but then I see him following people on Instagram and I start to question it all? Like, in front of my eyes you barely talk to that person or show that you are on that level with one another, but then you go ahead and follow their main profile and photography one on Instagram? I have no problem with him talking to other females in front of me, all that matters is that he's respectful towards me. I really don't want him to be acting different when I'm around and when I'm not. It makes me question him even more. Another example is when once I overheard his conversation with another female coworker and I was shook because the way they were speaking, it sounded as if they talk talk and I was left feeling stupid for not knowing they actually get along. Like please talk to other females, JUST DON'T HIDE IT FROM ME. It makes me overthink so much. Even at his full-time work, when his workmate is sick or away and a replacement comes, I've noticed that whenever it's a female he talks in plural just so he doesn't use any specific pronouns and even though he probably does this to not make me overthink things, that is exactly what he is doing.

I feel like I can't fully trust him bcs he shows me one thing, but it's usually something else?
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