How can someone who says they love me so all this shit to me?

I hate being lied to. He keeps saying how much he hates liars but he's a fucking hypocrite because he lies to me all the time like when he tells me he loves me, when he tells me he only has eyes for me and would never do anything to jeopardize what we have, like his Twitter account he says was only for sports when I have screenshots of women's sexually explicit photos he's been liking and commenting on, he married me because he loved me not because I was pregnant, like the time I confronted him when immediately agreed with his friend about going to this strip club the next time his friend is in town and when I confronted him he tells me "that's not what he was agreeing to", or the time is found out he promoted strip clubs while we were together (and it know this because your can find those stupid little calling cards littering the streets of vegas), like one time he had washed a jacket in the washer and it was putting everything on the dryer and there was a walmart bag with something in it and when I looked it was a bunch of those so called calling cards together and he tells me "those have been in there forever" or how he has a lock box inside his desk with a 3 digit code on it when there shouldn't be any reason to hide anything if you are being faithful, or how he says he supports me losing weight but then gets mad at me when I start doing it or how I found and old phone of his with very suggestive downloads, like how I confronted him about the sexually explicit girls he's following on twitter and he got angry at me screamed at me for being insecure and then made his twitter account private.
How can someone who says they love me so all this shit to me?
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