My coworker has a girlfriend but acts flirty towards me?


I just recently started a new job in retail and my coworker is super nice and attractive. I overheard that he has a girlfriend a while ago and it kinda threw me off because he acts kinda flirty around me if I interpret it right. He’s 21 and I’m 19. We talk a lot when we’re working together and we pretty much have the same style/ music taste/ interests. But I sometimes feel a tension between us and he leans into me/ comes very close to me a lot. Like he’s subtly touching my arm or something. For example he once spotted a lint on my shirt so he came pretty close and removed it. He is a very open person but I can’t judge if he’s just being friendly or if he likes me. I know that I’m a pretty girl (without being conceited) just fyi, but since he has a girlfriend I’m kinda confused what’s going on. I don’t have a lot experience in that field, so I would appreciate any opinions/ advice!

My coworker has a girlfriend but acts flirty towards me?
11 Opinion