Is it possible to be a James Bond level womanizer in real life?

Is it possible to be a James Bond level womanizer in real life?

of course we all no the answer. no matter how handsome and badass he looks if James Bond was real he probably would of been a sex offender in no time because we bet that at least 20s of the 100s of women he hits on would of cried rape in no time.

of course maybe Sean Connery would of had the upper hand because he portrayed James Bond in the 1960s while in his 30s. so he was obviously one of the men who were fortunate enough to scape the cuck claws of feminism. Its also clear that women during these days were nowhere near as feminized as women of today are

but anyways do you think its possible to be the type of womanizer that James Bond is in real life?

Is it possible to be a James Bond level womanizer in real life?
Is it possible to be a James Bond level womanizer in real life?
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Is it possible to be a James Bond level womanizer in real life?
34 Opinion