Guys, Why does a guy want attention from a girl he doesn’t even like?


This guy at work is very sociable but not interested in getting to know me at all. He likes to have a chat with pretty much every girl in the office except me and when we discuss work related things he looks like he wants to escape the conversation asap and makes self deprecating jokes (which I am ok with I don’t have to be his friend).

However when I see him in a group (for instance when we talk or when I pass him and his friends by) and don’t notice him right away he acts really loud and smiley with me and positions himself so that he gets all my attention or stares really intensely.

Why does he crave my attention if he doesn’t even consider me interesting?

He is just an attention whore
Other reason
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Guys, Why does a guy want attention from a girl he doesn’t even like?
5 Opinion