Do I get to be upset?

Do I get to be upset?

ik i dont rlly get to be sad at this. and its stupid. but my boyfriend (A) was on call w me and on ps5 with his best friend (b) a couple of weeks ago. B could hear me but i couldnt hear him and at one point B said something and my boyfriend was like no im not saying that to her. and they both agreed he shouldn't. and i had no idea what theyre talking about. i asked and my A said itd break my heart he can't do that to me. so ofc I needed to know. a little after the friend me, A and B were on a group call and we talked for about 4 hours then A fell asleep on call and me and B kept talking for about two more hours. i found out after B said i was super interesting, funny, smart and fun to talk to and told A he ‘got a good one’ and to ‘make sure he holds on’ which is high praise ofc. Now the insecure part.

i kept pestering my boyfriend bc i couldnt let it go in my head and he finally gave in yesterday. he said when he showed B a picture of me his reaction was as long as… (you're happy). ofc i was crushed. i asked him what his reaction was bc thats what matters abd he said “ i didn't let him finish the sentence and told him to stfu. you know ur my pretty girl.” ik i dont rlly get to be upset bc i forced him to tell me but I don't know it hurts. the picture wasn't a great one i wouldn't send it to anyone but him and i only took it to show him my new hair colour but i do look like that ig. i do look chubby and bloated in the pic. the angle isn't great. i have hair dye still on me. i look a little childish. the dress was an old one for dyeing hair. the mirror wasn't clean. ill attach it. I don't know man. im just hurt. i also know i shouldn't care what his friend thinks as long as he likes me but j can't help but feel like a troll. worst part is j can't even talk to him about it bc he TOLD ME id be upset and i made him tell me anyways. its my own doing.

also if youve seen this question before i accidentally posted it to the wrong place.

Do I get to be upset?
7 Opinion