Guys, Is the friend of my crush trying to play cupid?

I am close with the friend of my crush, to the point we've talked about each others lives and encourage each other to do things to become better. My crush and I are friends but not that close because I'm too much of a chicken. Recently, I've noticed that whenever we hang out, this friend always mentions my crush in everything we do. He always asks my crush to join when I ask the friend to hang out, quite randomly too. Recently, when the friend and I were at the gym, he mentioned the crush so much to the point I asked if they were dating (the friend already has a girlfriend) to which he started to immediately praise my crush, saying how he would like him if he was a girl and that my crush was an amazing person. Is he genuinely just a homie or is he trying to play wingman?

Guys, Is the friend of my crush trying to play cupid?
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