Why would he text me everyday for 2.5 months (long distance)?


Guy (38) and I (30) met virtually at work, he lives in Singapore and I in the UK.

Worked on the same project, got talking on work chat (he initiated), and since I rolled off the project we moved onto WhatsApp and have been texting everyday all day for 2.5 months - it has been one long conversation since we started talking with no breaks.

Green flags he is consistent, gives engaging responses, keeps the conversation going/doesn’t let it drop, and asks me questions. We have made it clear to each other we are attracted to each other but haven’t explicitly flirted perhaps due to work boundaries?

Red flags is he ONLY texts (I have asked him to call me multiple times as I’m not a texter - which he has ignored or made excuses for), doesn’t have a plan to see me (I have asked him when he plans to come to the U. K. to which he said “maybe” next year, but no clear answer). He seems to have a bit of an ego - say if I take 6 or 18 hours to respond sometimes he takes the exact same amount of time - so he’s keeping track of response times too.

He once joked about his ex casually (first time he brought her up) - I asked him if he still wants her (they broke up LDR 9 months ago) - he replied that if he truly would he wouldn’t bring her up and it would be a well kept secret.

I’m not sure what his intentions are and why a guy would constantly text a girl without having met her? Some insights please as I would like this to progress but I feel stuck. :(

Why would he text me everyday for 2.5 months (long distance)?
4 Opinion