Why would a guy avoid you, if you feel he’s physically attracted to you?


Everyone was taking me photos today. Everyone said, I looked beautiful, sexy and so on! I was in the center of everyone’s attention.

My guy friend told me wives would fight with their husbands when going home, because they all looked at me.

Stranger men took me photos on streets and yet, this one guy kind of avoided me. I don’t know, I feel like since I looked sexy today, he was intimidated or something?

Or maybe he has a girlfriend? Because I feel like he’s physically attracted to me. That’s the same one who’s forgot his script.

Everytime we flirt subtly, he then kind of reserves back.

Today I caught him peeking at me but when I went near him, he found an excuse and went. Wth.

It’s not like I threw myself to me, I was just nearby, he was looking from far and then, kind of avoiding the closeness.

In the office, someone called him, and I heard him saying.

“Bring it home.”

Is he avoiding because he has a girlfriend?

6 mo
If he has a girlfriend why doesn’t he drop the hint during our conversations in office.

When I was taken, I was talking about my ex non stop.
6 mo
Now he got me sweets, he only gave me not to other women in the office, I don’t understand men.
Why would a guy avoid you, if you feel he’s physically attracted to you?
11 Opinion