Confusing signals from a guy?

Right guys, so I like this guy and he's been giving me signals recently. I can't tell whether he actually fancies me or not.. these signals are damn confusing. He's like super talkative to me every couple days then he sort of gives me silent treatment.. is he trying to get me to miss his company and want to be around him more? He'll bring up things I said ages ago.. is this to show me that hw remembers little details about me? He gives me intense eye contact when speaking to me. Basically if he gets to small opportunity to talk to me he will, but sometimes he almost acts as if I don't know him.. usually around his friends, a couple of which are female (I've been told there's nothing romantic between him and any them by one of the girls). I could easily be overthinking this or reading signs wrong, but I just want to ask to get a little help here.
Confusing signals from a guy?
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