Guys, Mixed Signals from this guy I like - Am I interpreting it wrong?


This older guy I like, has been sending mixed signals. Well according to my friends (observers). First of all, he has a girlfriend - long distance relationship - he sees her about twice a year. Anyway, we work together. He treats me differently than other girls in the office. Looks at me with soft eyes and gives me gifts that have personal meaning to him. Opens the door for me when we go out (any door - car, etc). Carries my bags at the airport... So I thought he liked me - and then I decided to take the chance to tell him, hey I like you -He acted all weird and told me how in love he was with his girlfriend and that she loves him back. He acted like I insulted him? I'm so freaking confused - He's confident when it comes to work (really intelligent) but I can tell he's somewhat insecure and shy when it comes to women.

So, I guess the question is guys -did I read this situation wrong? Am I delusional?

Also, he got jealous when another guy started to talk to me and give me attention - I mean he was in a horrible mood the entire time, even so that other employees complained about him.

Guys, Mixed Signals from this guy I like - Am I interpreting it wrong?
4 Opinion