Why does he act afraid of me?

My boss literally trips everytime we cross paths. If I am walking past him or about to walk past him, he jumps out the way even before I am near enough. Even walking in another direction,, or holding down his head. Today he threw up both hands in the air so that as I am passing, they won't brush me, I guess. He did it so wildly, that another coworker who was next to him jumped at his suddenness. He basically hops out the way instead of just calmly step aside. Sometimes to the point where he almost hits himself in something or trip.
I don't smell bad or act out of character. So i f8nt thus very strange. He talks up and hangs around my other coworkers normally.
5 mo
Since I've posted this question, he has schedule me only about 3 days a week. And I only share 1 to 2 days with his schedule.
Why does he act afraid of me?
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