Is there a chance he likes me? Would you act like that with just a friend?

So I'm a mid 20s woman and I have a crush on one of my coworkers who's older than me (early 40s).

We've been talking since he started working at my job, sometimes for hours on end and there's been some sexual jokes/innuendo thrown around, some deep talks about our insecurities & traumas and some light teasing. We've exchanged compliments as well (nothing sexual, mostly complimenting each other's clothing choices), he does touch me casually on the arm/shoulder sometimes and he always sits next to me or in front of me at work events.

He's a very friendly person in general so I'm not sure if I'm simply mistaking his friendliness for flirtiness (hence my asking). I don't know how he acts around women he likes/finds attractive because our other female coworkers are clearly not his type/married with kids, etc. but I have inferred from our conversations that he does find some younger women attractive.

In total we've gone out together for drinks/lunch/coffee maybe 4 or 5 times (sometimes initiated by me, sometimes by him) and it's always been a great time on my end. We usually walk together when we finish work and he waits for me to get ready (or I do). What makes me hesitate as well is that sometimes he acts a little standoffish, especially when we part ways like he'll just say 'bye' very quickly.

Sooooo is there any chance this guy likes me? I'm bad at this. I'm very bad at this.

Is there a chance he likes me? Would you act like that with just a friend?
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