when a guy says
I just want to not feel like a bad person Like I'm not ruining somebody, and that it’s been a long time for him ( relationship wise ) and he doesn’t know how he’d react to anything rn like with a relationship or pursuit thereof.
What does it mean when he says this and what should I do
What Girls & Guys Said
It sounds like he isn't ready for a relationship. He is saying he doesn't know how he will react at this moment just sounds like he needs to be single so anyone who does try to talk to him might get hurt if he isn't ready
We both like each other there has been mutual attraction and we try to make plans to hangout but he drops the ball. I miss him. He also has a lot going on and is trying to not have it affect me.
I wouldn't keep my hopes up, you can keep him as a friend but I would invest in it or put much effort if he isn't going to. You should try to go out on other dates with other guys that are actually ready for you
He's just being truthful and he might want to chat with a therapist.
it means you need to ask for clarification