Why does my employee feel so comfortable adjusting his junk in front of me?

I’m relatively new to my role as a boss, so some things are a little difficult to gauge. I always try to be friendly and make people feel welcome and like we can talk about anything. If a joke or action is going over the line I don’t feel bad calling it out. Some people don’t take me too seriously because I’m 22 F with a bubbly personality but I just roll with the punches.
Lately, though, I’ve noticed when I talk to one of my employees he adjusts his junk in front of me… a lot. We have a good mixed group so it’s not like he’s the only guy around. He does almost anytime we start talking and (to me anyway) it’s not subtle. I’ve never noticed any of my other employees do this, so that’s why it concerns me. I get it. If you’re in a bind you need to fix your stuff, but when you’re the only guy doing so it makes me wonder.
To compound it, the other day another manager has made a passing joke that I had a crush on him in front if him (in context it wasn’t so severe but still). He touched his junk then too!! I don’t see him doing that when talking to other managers so it just makes me worried. Am I being too friendly? Is he just too comfortable around me and thinks that’s okay? I don’t want this to turn to something inappropriate (given my previous experiences) but could just be all in my head… please help.
Why does my employee feel so comfortable adjusting his junk in front of me?
6 Opinion