What do I do if a guy in m class always stares at me just to feed his ego/wants attention from me?


this guy stares at me all the time and Im sure that he does that to see if I like him and NOT bc he actually likes me , he just wants to see if the pretty girl actuallly gives him attention , and this happens a lot with me , guys stare just to see if I might stare back but they never approach

im sure this guy is also toxic based on the red flags and his behaviours

so when he stares/looks at me , what should i say? I want to say it in front of my teacher and his friends to make sure he doesn't repeat this behaviour (my intention is not embarassing him , but more like IM FED UP WITH THIS SHIT ANDI DON'T WANT ANY TROUBLE WITH THIS TOXIC GUY) so what should i say? in what tone? ofc i don't want to be mean bc i intend no harm but i want to make it sound serious bc this happened to me last year with another guy

2 mo
my class****
What do I do if a guy in m class always stares at me just to feed his ego/wants attention from me?
2 Opinion