Why did he unfollow me out of the blue? Also, Do you guys discuss everything with your friiends just like us girls do?


There’s this guy. He started liking my posts and stories and we started talking. He would compliment me but he never openly said he is into me. Then he suggested we grab some coffee. I went to his place for a burger instead. He seemed a bit on the edge and anxious. I was very chill, like he was good a friend. I didn’t flirt with him at all, I was purely friendly. He didn't flirt either. From the next day he stopped interacting as often on social media. A couple months later I was going through something and I needed to blow off some steam so I invited him over. We had sex. He initiated it. He started caressing my leg and I did the same. During sex he said "do you have any idea how many times I've j... of for you?". I just smiled. After sex he was acting like we are buddies and it’s all cool. But he was overreacting. He mentioned that we are "friends" a couple times and this friends with benefits situation is cool etc. I mean ok dude, did I ever show you that I epxpect more? Chill! He even said that I initiated sex, because I touched his leg. Maybe he was kidding. After that he never called again. I invited him to meet again like a week later, he said he was busy. I asked him if there was anything wrong , he said everything it's fine. I didn’t care much but I was and still am curious. When I bumped in to him after that we barely talked. Months later, without anything happening during that time (at least that I know of), he removed me from his followers and unfollowed me too!!! 😂 I asked him if he removed me, he didn't reply. You could say that he unfollows people that he doesn't interact with anymore, but we have many friends in common, we might bump into each other at work , we have worked in a similar workplace in the past, it's not like we are total strangers. Plus nothing happend!

ps: except me telling to one of his friends that I am into him, but I don't know if men talk about these things with each other.

Why did he unfollow me out of the blue? Also, Do you guys discuss everything with your friiends just like us girls do?
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