Can a guy still be manly even though he likes some things that are considered girly?


I'm a 100% straight white male a man's man in my mind. I'm only attracted to women , the thought of being with a man is disgusting to me. But there are some things I'm fond of that are considered girly. A female waitress laughed at me years ago when I ordered a strawberry daiquiri cuz she said that was a girly drink. I do not like beer at all, to me it tastes like piss. I like bright vibrant colors that pop Purple , teal/turquoise and hott pink are 3 of my favorite colors. One of my favorite bands of all time is Erasure, (synth pop band) lead singer Andy Bell is openly gay and very beloved in the gay community. Two mobile games I like Playing Are Match Masters and project makeover. Can I like all these things and still be considered manly can I pull that off? Certain powerful and moving scenes in movies can bring tears to my eyes. Give me your thoughts

Can a guy still be manly even though he likes some things that are considered girly?

Album cover of Erasure I find dazzling and beautiful

Can a guy still be manly even though he likes some things that are considered girly?
1 Opinion