He’s stopped replying to my texts?

I’ll try and cut a long story short.

I started working at my current employment about 3 years ago. One colleague in particular I got on really well with, however, he’s lovely to everyone. We had a flirty relationship and we were there for each other. I fully supported him through his first adult relationship and breakup. There were subtle things that made me think he liked me, he used to get a bit jealous and after sending a generic “merry Xmas” message to the work group chat, he sent me and only me a personal message.

We bumped into each other on a night out and with the courage of drink, I told him how I felt. He was very reluctant to admit that he felt the same way but he couldn’t be with me, then we had a little kiss. At work afterwards, he was very hot and cold for a few weeks.

He left his job recently to move somewhere else and start a new career. He has deleted everyone he worked with at the current company, apart from me and his close friend.

However, and this is what hurts, he has ignored my messages. The last time he responded, was the day he left when I asked him how his last day went. He basically said “I wish you guys all the best” and after that, he read and ignored my messages.

If he did or does have feelings for me, why is he being so ignorant? Is it because we can’t be together? A sort of “out of sight, out of mind” thing? But he still has me on Facebook? I’m confused.

25 d
I forgot to add, he replies to other people from my work place who text him. Me and another girl messaged him yesterday to say good luck, he replied to her and ignored me.
He’s stopped replying to my texts?
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