Does my teacher like me more than a student?

Hey (:

Here's a little background between my teacher & I. I'm 17, & he's 27. I had him my sophomore year, & then again my junior year. I'm a senior now but I don't have him as my teacher.

If you're wondering yes I do like him. Whether he feels the same, I have no idea. I seriously doubt it but I just wanted to get more opinions on what other people thought.

It's the normal type of signs, he'll look at me then quickly turn away, red in the face & smiling to himself when I look at him. He'll give me these really cocky smirks every time I pass him in the halls. During my junior year he would always mess around with me. Once he even came over to my desk & got really close to my face to whisper something into my ear but that only happened once. Last year we had a lock down in his class so we all piled onto the floor in front of his white board. This one boy asked if he could lay his head in my lap. I said sure. I could actually feel his eyes on me but I just ignored it until this one kid said, "Hey, Mr. M look at Marissa, & (Boy's Name)." He looked straight into my eyes, & glared at me then turned back to his computer. I was like, what the heck?

The most recent ones have probably been the weirdest. Every time he sees me he still turns red & smiles to himself. Random fact about me, I'm in the Marching. Well Mr. M always goes to games with a few other teacher's from school. Every time he see's me he stares at me, constantly. Last home football I went to go sit with my parents during our break. Well Mr. M was sitting two steps above them. I made my way past him to get to my parents & I caught him staring at me. I watched him out of the corner of my eye, & every 10 seconds he would look at me, like stare, then smile to himself. After our break was over I was trying to make my way back up the stands. Well our uniforms are unbelievably tight so it's really hard to move in them. Someone left their chairs sitting on the stands & I couldn't get over them. I could see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I knew if I looked at him he was going to ask if I needed any help but I wasn't going to let myself look at him. Instead my friend grabbed my hand & helped me over. Oh my gosh, I was so beyond embarrassed! D; A few seconds later after I made it to the top I caught him turn around & look at me. He smirked then quickly turned back around.

It seems that when we run into each other out of school he's more bolder with the way he acts around me, if that makes any sense. Sorry if it doesn't.

There's a million other experiences that has happened between us but I don't want to bore you. :P

Any ideas? What are your opinions? Do you think I'm over thinking it?

Oh, & excuse my horrible spelling & grammar.

Thank you for reading. (:
Does my teacher like me more than a student?
Post Opinion