Why would you look better when lying down. Is it to do with fat and gravity?

I realized that my face looks better when I'm lying down. One my side, or on my back. Especially on my back.

I'm not sure if this is to do with the fat being pulled back or something.

I'm 5' 6" and 140lbs. My ideal weight is 129 lbs, so I am aiming for that. I was wondering if losing fat when you're not overweight could make your face look much better. What would it do?

Or could it just be my age? I'm 25 in four months. Could it be that age has started to make my face sag and lying down changes the gravity? If so, would losing weight fix this?

Thank you in advance! (My new years resolution is to work on my confidence and I'm trying lots of ways lol)
Why would you look better when lying down. Is it to do with fat and gravity?
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