What it means to be an Alpha male or a Beta male

Someone on GAG recently answered a question about alpha males and beta males, and I thought that their answer was the most realistic one...
3 7

More random things I love when men do and/or find sexy

I did one of these a while back but I wanted to update it. I still think the same things from my last my take about it. 1. Sitting...
4 9

You are probably forcing yourself to feel unworthy

I write this for those who swallowed the pain of feeling bad about themselves, no matter how emotionally balanced they are they can’t...
1 1

The nice guy trope and it's everyone's problem

First of all, I want to explain what a "nice guy" is because it's a lot different then I think people realize. So here's a bit from the...
4 13

Why 99% of guys don't approach women and how helpful this mans speech was

This guy seriously pointed something out that is so unbelievably not spoken about, it isn't spoken about enough in schools, not enough...
2 26

Things I don't understand about certain guys

These are things they do when hitting on a girl or trying to get a girl 1. Call her bae, shorty, hot, etc I hate those terms. A man...
4 22

Don't Be a Mitch!

Don't Be Such a Mitch. Nobody Likes a Mitch aka a Man Bitch . Now, I understand all you Mitchs who read this will be highly offended...
16 91

Guys, when a guy nervously inhales deep & runs his hands through his hair quickly before you see him... it’s a good indication, right?

the guy of my dreams & somebody i’ve been crushing on & starting to flirt back with now, saw me, he dropped what he had in his hand...

How can some guys be oblivious to signs of interest from their crush?

My crush apparently is into me since I’ve been noticing some signs and he also asked my brother some personal questions about me. All...

Guys, What does it mean when he calls you love?

So this guy and I have been talking for a while nothing serious, and he was a little cranky when we were on the phone, everyone has...

My close friend never invites me places should I ask him why?

i should elaborate that his friend hosts this event/activity I have been telling him I want to go since the summer! He is always saying...

How would you interpret this messages?

I work as a kindergarten teacher and it's really loud whole day. After all the kids has left I stayed alone and I recorded and sent a...

This guy left me as soon as I made it clear that I wanted to be just friends. Should I feel bad?

This guy and I met yesterday on reddit, he was the one who texted me first. We talked a bit and he was a bit flirty. I would say...
0 4

What are your thoughts about Harry Styles wearing a dress?

Look, here is the thing. Hear me out please. I am a man, okay? I like to do manly things. Girls are making me seem like I am the toxic...
21 57

Are simps and cuckolds the fall of men?

Men. Fought and died in wars (frankly for nothing long term unfortunately). So that we have these things going on now. We got plenty...
5 17

Is it normal for a young boy to like this about girls?

I have had weird but good feelings when girls dominate me or other boys. I am 13. Yesterday, I was with 6 friends who range between...
2 5

My friends with benefits bought me a gift. What does it mean?

So my friends with benefits of almost 3 years always promised me he would get me something for my birthday like clothes a dress, maybe a...
1 2

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