Breast Enhancing Tips: My Very Simple Guide to Fixing a Flat Chest


Hello GaGers!

Today, I tried on a bra that was previously far too big for me. Instead of the usual pockets of air between the cup and my childish breasts, I had a little bit of cleavage! Yay! Now this might not seem so exciting to the already blessed ladies with fuller boobies and the men, but I'm sure my fellow members of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee can understand the excitement that enticed me to just HAVE to write this MyTake.

I have always been a slim girl. I have always struggled to fill an A-Cup! Even now, at the age of 20, I still envy big boobs. I wonder what it's like to actually have to be fitted for a bra rather than just picking one up and saying, "This looks comfortable." Even when I gain weight, it doesn't go to my boobs. I know what it's like to to the whole 'makeshift cleavage' routine, tring to grab any bit of skin from around my chest and stuff it into my bra. Yes, I know the struggle.

Halter neck tops? You must be joking? Very funny. And God forbit I wear a bikini at the beach. I run the risk of being mistaken for a 12 year old boy with long hair.

Being 20 and way past puberty, I sort of just got used to it. I accepted it, and tried to turn my attention onto loving my body. Until today!

So I'm going to tell you how I went from totally flat, to a B cup in just over 2 months. It might not work for you, but that's okay. There's nothing wrong with being flat. Like, at all.

I started working out. Insanely. Since I'm a skinny girl, it's hard for me to gain weight so I started lifting weights to give myself some curves. I don't do any cardio. The aim here is to gain weight and curves, not lose it. As well as aways squatting and deadlifting heavy weights, I chest press heavy. The growth inducing hormones released from heavy weight lifting has certainly caused me to grow. I've grown taller as well as growing a bust size. Just make sure you balance your chest exercises with back ones, too.

Working out isn't going to help if you're not eating right. You'll actually lose weight. Now here, is where my biggest growth happened; when I upped my protein intake. Buy some quality whey protein, and drink it with soy milk. It really helps, and apparently, soy milk mimics the female hormone that gives a girl a womanly shape. I'm not sure how much truth there is to that, but I HAVE noticed that ever since drinking soy, I haven't gotten a single pimple and my skin is glowing. It's good for your skin, so drink up. Drink these protein shakes along with a balanced diet.

Do you have any other breast enhancing tips to share?

Who says we can't still be hot?

My Very Simple Guide to Fixing a Flat Chest (sort of).

Breast Enhancing Tips: My Very Simple Guide to Fixing a Flat Chest
6 Opinion