An Immersive Meditation to Fill You With Abundant Energy


One of my biggest problems was when I was too tired to do anything. Often just sit on the computer, idly watching YouTube or Twitch. Sometimes I just collapsed for a nap that unintentionally took 3 or 4 hours of my day.

But what I'm about to show here is a brilliant scenario for a mediation to flood your body with lots of energy. I call it "The Lightning Meditation."

An Immersive Meditation to Fill You With Abundant Energy

I will warn you. I happened to have gotten sleep apnea for a couple months after trying this meditation for the first time. But hey, some lost sleep is the price for innovation I suppose.

Still think you're able to handle it? Lets get right to it!

Part 1: Clearing The Mind
Step 1: Close your eyes, breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, breathe out for 5 seconds, and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat this cycle 3 times. The goal of which is to silent the mind of nagging thoughts.
Step 2: Imagine the last things you have seen before you closed your eyes. Then imagine an eraser wiping your surroundings away, leaving you in a white void.
Step 3: Take this same eraser and apply it to your memories of the last 10 minutes of your life. As this eraser washes over the last thoughts of your day, feel yourself becoming more in tune to your breathing. Pay attention to how your skin feels in the air and what you're resting on.

Part 2: Developing the Scene
Step 4: Visualize a room with a wooden chair in the middle of it. The chair consists of straps on the arm rests and the legs of it that would be used to hold someone in place. Behind the chair is a huge, steel-looking structure at least 2 stories tall and as wide as a luxurious house. There's a variety of knobs, switches, and meters decorating a portion of it at eye level. Next to its gagetry lies a plastic tube, the end of which has a suction cup.

Take a seat and let the straps hold you in place. Feel the suction cup latch onto the back of your neck, feeling the strands of hair tugging slightly irritably, otherwise you're fairly comfortable. Look below you. You see a digital display right between your feet. One seems to give a measurement for Wattage. One for Amps. All of which are turned off.

Part 3: Activation
Step 5: Count down backwards from 10 to 1 slowly to build up the anticipation. At the end of your countdown, you hear a THUNK! You hear the engine hidden inside the structure behind you revving up, the pitch starting deep, but getting higher and higher. You can hear parts spinning inside it including fans and magnetic coils. Look down you can see numbers being displayed in the digital panel below you. Voltage is going up. 5...10...15...25...leveling off at around 30 volts.The meter measuring Miliamps showing 1...4...7...9...12... leveling off around 16 miliamps.

Step 6: Count down backwards from 10 to 1 once more. At the end of your countdown you hear another THUNK! of a lever being pulled. You hear a LOUD, bassy reverberating noise coming from behind you. lasting only a few seconds before leveling off. Looking down you see the meters jump drastically high. The numbers on the voltage meter jumped up to 500...600...800...1000 volts. Miliamps, likewise, jumping up 25...30...40...60. You're still hearing the engines roaring visciously can you can even hear bits of crackling electricity coming from inside the hulking structure.

Step 7: Count down backwards from 10 to 1 once more. At the end of your countdown you hear another THUNK! of a lever being pulled. An even LOUDER, bassy noise errupts from the machine. You can feel your hairs standing up, almost tugging at the roots as the power of this generator is exceeding anything humanly possible now. Look below. The Voltage meter suddenly jumped to 100,000....125,000....200,000.......500,000 volts! The meter for miliamps too jumped to 300....400...650...750...1000 Miliamps!

Step 8: One more time. Count backwards from 10 to 1. 10...9...8........3...2...1. THUNK!!! Your body twitches and shakes rampantly as the plastic tube attached to your neck fires this almighty energy into your neurons. You feel some pain and irritation, from this almighty zap of power, but you're able to maintain it despite your body going out of control. Your skin is heated and tickled visciously. Your muscles are flexing and contracting. Your skin smolders as smoke rises up as this course of energy keeps surging and surging into your body and soul.
5 seconds later the machine turns off. You can smell the ozone surrounding you and your body. Your skin feeling stiff at first, but moving your body you can feel it relax with your muscles.

Part 4: Conclusion
Step 9: Open your eyes. Bring yourself back into reality. Take the time to ease back in despite your power meditation. However, sense this spinning wheel inside you. This is your motor, hyper-charged by the universe. Sense where it is in your body; your chest, your stomach, your head... Now, get to work and do what you've been procrastinating on.


Hope this works as well for everyone willing to give it a go as it has for me.

An Immersive Meditation to Fill You With Abundant Energy
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