Obesity should be taken more seriously


Good fellas, let's start with the actual definition of Obese , don't google it , because the definition is quite revolting, but one thing to be noted is that, it is measured via BMI, now, BMI might not be 100% accurate but it's the best we have, and it works fine. Obesity is when Body Mass Index ticks above 30. Normal is considered anywhere near 18.5 to 25.

I have some cool Obese people distribution around the world map for you guys :-

Obesity should be taken more seriously

Obesity should be taken more seriously

In the US, they like to blame the obesity on a popular brand called McDonald's , well, not completely true, the next one is going to shock you,

Obesity should be taken more seriously

Risks assosiated with obesity

People who are obese , compared to a person of normal weight, is at an increased risk for many serious diseases , like High blood pressure (Hypertension) , High LDL cholestrol, lol HDL cholestrol, high levels of triglycerides. Obese males are 7 fold more likely to get type 2 diabetes, whereas obese women are 12 fold more like to get the same. Morover they face more chances for developing coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, Osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and breathing problems, some cancers, and mental / psychological illness like clinical depression and anxiety. Not to forget the physical body pain and difficulty with physical functioning.

Obesity and Fat Acceptance

Well, with all these Fat acceptance campaign, the end result is more and more of population is getting obese. I truly truly believe that one should not be bullied just because he is fat, but we already have laws tackling bullying, why is there a need for such a campaign which is making people believe that it's not unhealthy to be fat. Because of this Fat Acceptance , people are Fat people just got yet another reason to not give a damn about their health. It's getting so worse nowadays that you cannot even call these people fat anymore.

This is not the solution folks. Do not become an ostrich by digging your head in the sand, and pretending there is no problem and ignoring it alltogether in the hope that somehow the problem will ignore you. In the end you are the one who might be facing any of the above mentioned ailments. If the society thinks FAT is not good, not attractive, they are doing it FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. Imagine if the society didn't really care about the fat, would you even bother to shape up ? Nope. So let their comments be your motivation, and start working on yourself, instead of forcing the outside world to love you.

Thank you, peace !

Obesity should be taken more seriously
3 Opinion