5 Things That Make Me Feel Awkward

5 Things That Make Me Feel Awkward

When someone I like gives me reasons to dislike them

It sucks because it makes me feel so stupid that I had reasons to like this person until they proved all the reasons wrong, or they did something to ruin it. It makes me feel bad because I hate moments where I start to dislike someone.

5 Things That Make Me Feel Awkward

When I find out someone I like doesn’t like me anymore

It makes me feel betrayed and it breaks my heart because I never intended to disappoint them. Why can't feelings just be mutual? And then they start acting passive aggressive and I begin to purely hate them back. Then, I dislike people who completely remind me of them.

5 Things That Make Me Feel Awkward

When my therapist doesn’t know what to tell me

I wonder why my therapist would run out of something to say. It makes me feel I am a new special case that there is no cure for. It makes me feel like a very complicated person.

5 Things That Make Me Feel Awkward

When I have to wonder if I have schizophrenia or not

My mom has schizophrenia and schizophrenia runs in the family. Guys in my age range are more prone to discovering they have schizophrenia. It's so awkward to wonder "did I just hallucinate or did that just really happen?" whenever something totally unlikely happens.

5 Things That Make Me Feel Awkward
When I get reminded of what happened in high school

It makes me depressed and angry. I try so hard to forget what happened but I keep getting all these flashbacks that make me cry at night.

5 Things That Make Me Feel Awkward
5 Things That Make Me Feel Awkward

5 Things That Make Me Feel Awkward
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