Body Positivity.

Body Positivity.

Body positivity has been somewhat of a "trend" lately. But, in my honest opinion, it's a good trend! People need to be able to feel comfortable in their bodies. Because we never get another one, so it needs to be loved. We need to cherish the body we have and care for it lovingly.

I've seen several people insist that body positivity is nothing more than a way to glorify obesity and unhealthy living. Why? Why is is so important to you for you to hurt other people? That is nothing close to what body positivity stands for!

Yes, a lot of advocates for body positivity are overweight. But they are happy, and you have no right to police their body. Most people who are overweight are perfectly aware of the health risks it poses, and don't need to hear it from you. Somebody who is likely a perfect stranger.

Some people can't even help being overweight. Many women, myself included, have health conditions that make losing weight very difficult. So why shouldn't they love their body? Their choices do not affect you. It is their life and they can live it however they choose.

Body Positivity.

In fact, body positivity has helped some women start to live a healthier life. Because body positivity helped them love their body, and because they love themselves they now want to get healthier. That is me. Despite the fact I have a health condition that makes losing weight extremely difficult, I've been doing my best. I haven't lost much but every pound is still a step towards a healthier life. I truly don't care about being skinny. Inbusy wakt to live a healthier life. A longer life. Isn't that wonderful? You would think it would be. But so many people are still against this movement.

Body Positivity.

But don't be confused, the body positivity movement isn't just for people who are overweight. It is also for those who suffer from being underweight. Contrary to popular believe many girls who are very skinny get criticized as well. My sister knows this first hand as she has never been over 100lbs in her life. And she has tried to hard to lose weight. It's been a hard road for her.

But because women like this do get criticized, they have poor self image as well. And that's sad. Body positivity helps these women accept themselves for who they are. They are able to find beauty in themselves, sometimes for the first time ever.

Body Positivity.

Its people of all body types. You don't have to be over or under weight to appreciate how amazing body positivity is. So many people who have joined this movement have gained amazing self esteem.

Its even helped people who have disabilites find beauty in themselves. People who are missing limbs or can't walk. The list goes on. It helps them too. It helps them accept how their body is and find love and self acceptance.

isn't that a wonderful thing?

I know so many people who have learned to not care so much about what other people think of them after joining this movement.

I will never understand why some people think complete strangers want to hear their opinions on their bodies. Their body does not effect you.

People are allowed to like what they like. I am not disbuting that. But, if you truly believe that being thin or full of muscle is the only way for everybody to truly be happy than you are poorly mistaken.

Please, educate yourself on the true meaning of body positivity. And if you see somebody who doesn't meet your body standards, than please keep your opinions to yourself. Theirs no need to put them down.

You're allowed to not like it. But don't be a bad person and make them feel like crap. Especially for things that they may not be able to change. All you're doing is hurting their self image. Especially if they haven't learned not to care about others opinions yet.

Please remember that all bodies are beautiful in their own way.

Here are some links to help you in your body positivity journey of you're interested.

Body Positivity.
26 Opinion