Burn fat as you sleep?


Hello fellow GaGers!! Have you ever wanted to become leaner and burn fat while sleeping? Well there are studies now that claim that it is possible!

Burn fat as you sleep?

What's the best way to burn fat while you sleep? If you sleep in a colder place, it will affect your metabolism and help speed it up in order to burn fat. The reason why sleeping in the cold will help burn fat is because while you sleep your body is working to heat itself up and that uses energy. It also has an indirect effect on our metabolism. Prolonged exposure to mildly cold temperatures is a good way to expand “brown fat.” What is brown fat? Brown fat consists of small lipid droplets and a large number of mitochondria containing iron. White fat on the other hand is a single lipid droplet and less mitochondria. Brown fat burns calories as opposed to white fat that stores calories. Adults with more brown fat throughout the body tend to be leaner.

Burn fat as you sleep?
Burn fat as you sleep?
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