In your opinion, are eating disorders real mental disorders?

What do you think? Do you 'believe' in eating disorders? Do you count them as real mental disorders, or do you think people who struggle with them are just faking it for attention? And do you believe that the (mostly) girls could just cure themselves by eating?
Im just gonna list some, so everyone knows what Im talking about:
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
- B. E. D (Binge eating disorder)
- EDNOS (Eating disorders not otherwise specified)
- Megarexia
- Ortorexia
What do you think? All opinions are appreciated.
Eating disorders are real and dangerous mental disorders, and the people suffering from them needs professional help.
People with eating disorders aren't really sick, they are just looking for attention, and could 'stop' at any given time.
Im not sure.
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In your opinion, are eating disorders real mental disorders?
13 Opinion