Is something wrong with me?

Everytime I feel the tiniest bit sad or alone I'm noticing that my go-to is feeling insanely self conscious and self-loathing and repulsed by my body and I lose my appetite and can't bring myself to eat or drink anything that isn't water. It's not like I'm purposely starving myself like anorexics, it's just that I feel sad and lonely and that makes me feel fat and then I get angry at myself for being fat and then I lose my appetite and I don't want to eat and if someone makes me something and I even nibble on it for some reason I feel really guilty. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've lost like 10lbs in the past week because of this weirdness.-. Yet when I get upset I still feel fat and still can't manage to eat without feeling extremely guilty and sometimes I've even cried after eating. It's weird as fuck and I don't know why I'm like this. What's wrong with me? Am I going completely insane?
Is something wrong with me?
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