Do you think I am mean? How much does body odor bother you?

There is this guy I work with. He is 26 years old. He brushes his teeth only at night and takes a shower once every three days. He doesn't wear deodrant. I don't think he washes his cloth regularly either. He has really bad breath and body odor. I didn't tell him straight out that it disturbs me. Instead I brought up the subject last week while we were having lunch in a group. I said once you are past the age of 13 you have to take a shower, wear deodrant and brush your teeth daily. I was talking in general terms. But ever since then he has been treating me coldly. He is still stinking up the whole room with his BO. I tried opening windows but it just doesn't help. It really bothers me because I have a very sensitive nose. What would you do?
Tell him nicely that he needs to take care of his hygiene.
Suffer in silence.
Complain to HR and let them take care of it.
Send him articles and videos about cleaniliness.
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Do you think I am mean? How much does body odor bother you?
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