I swear there's something wrong with me?

Well something wrong with my throat I've had it for about nearly 4 years, but 5 months ago I braved it to go to the doctors and the first doctor I saw wasn't my doctor he was just someone covering for my doctor, he said it was nothing and not to worry, & that everyone probably has it even my mum but that didn't put my mind at rest, so about a month after I went to see my doctor who said it was just change of colour and everyone is different and that it's nothing... But why do I think it's throat cancer? Am I just worrying too much? I don't smoke or drink nothing like that... I need to put my mind at rest. As I've had it nearly 4 years & seen 2 local doctors.
It's nothing
Sounds like something
You just worry too much
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I swear there's something wrong with me?
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