Girls, is my period normal?

Alright, here it goes: I started getting my period a little over two years ago. I've always gotten REALLY bad cramps. Like, "I want to die they're so bad" cramps, complete with nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and just all out misery. I did some research, and what I found that's weird, is most women start their cramps a few days before their period starts and the cramps continue throughout their period. However, with me, I only get cramps the day of my period, right when it starts. That's when they're really bad. The next day, they're a bit better, and then they pretty much stop by the third day.

Is this normal? Also, does anyone else get really bad cramps? Sometimes they're so bad that even taking four ibuprofen plus a heating pad doesn't help at all.

i have a family history of bad cramps. My mom was a lot like me, and my aunt had them so bad she would vomit.
Girls, is my period normal?
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