Hypothyroidism, weight gain and breakdowns?

To start off with a little bit of a backstory;

I have always been an active, healthy child. I have always been big in the sense that I am about 6 feet tall,, broad and naturally have a very high muscle mass. But I have never been "fat" until recently. I am in my first year of university, and I started having some health problems during the middle of my first semester and tests came back to say I have hypothyroidism. I have been active all university and trying to eat somewhat healthy, but due to my condition I have gained about 30 pounds of fat in the past 4 months.

I am not use to having this amount fat on my body, I had abs last June and now I am nowhere close to that. I've been wearing the same size clothes since I was 14, an now at 18 all of a sudden things are getting snug and I have no confidence. My friends think I am over reacting because I'm used to being lean and fit, but today I showed my mom a picture of myself that someone took of me and she heself said my size is becoming a problem. The disorder also came witha mild case of depression, so I just cry all the time and no matter what I do the weight isn't coming off. I have taken to wearing sweats and baggy sweaters everyday and I honestly look like a wreck.

If anyone has hypothyroidism, was your experience similar? If so, how did you deal with the weight gain? Are there any diet tricks you know of that help speed up your metabolism?

Hypothyroidism, weight gain and breakdowns?
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