Do you think that being married and have a family and with all the responsabilities it comes, is an excuse not to exercise?

I mean the most popular answer is: "I dont have time", "I dont have the discipline", "I have work to do and spend time with my family". Are these valid excuses so you won't even have time to walk as an exercise? Can a person make the time and make it part of their lifestyle even if they are married, they work, they have a husband, house and kids to attend? I even had heard answers to single people like "you are single you have no family or married, so you can make the time to work out"

My question is based on several former clasmates from high school that I had seen on Facebook, especially women but men as well. Some of them really had gain a lot of weight and they seem not to care about it. Of course as you age your metabolism becomes slower and it is more difficult to work out, loose weight and see results and you dont have energy as if you were much younger. Is this another excuse not to work out? Anotehr excuse is "I dont like anything in order to start working out"

Im not say running a marathon or do some "Tour de France" rides of course not but keep yourself active in some way.

Any thoughts on those people?
Do you think that being married and have a family and with all the responsabilities it comes, is an excuse not to exercise?
2 Opinion