Am I a psychopath or depressed?

I think I'm a psychopath cos I don't really feel feelings ever, I don't find anything sad... People or pets who are very close to me, if they die... I don't really care and get over it in 0.3 second's.

Also have no interest or motivation to do anything, I just sit in bed all day watching TV and kill time... sometimes I can't even concentrate what's happening in the film's or programmes I watch cos I find everything boring.

People say this sounds like depression, but isn't depression a sadness or a struggle where people feel tortured to be alive?
I'm not sad or Suicidal, I don't find being alive a struggle, I have a nice easy life... Just a very boring one
Neither, just a pathetic
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1 y
I mean apathetic
1 y
Also have no friends or social interactions, I could go 59 years with no interaction with another human and I don't even feel lonely
Am I a psychopath or depressed?
8 Opinion