What mental illnesses or disorders do you have?

I have trichotillomania, which falls under the OCD category. It’s the obsession of pulling out hair.

I’ve been doing it for almost 10 years now. I will sit here and just pull out my hair for hours. I try not to pull out my head hair because I don’t wanna be bald, so i try to focus on any other hair on my body. Mostly my leg hair. One time one of my legs was almost completely bare because I plucked them all out. Do you know how many hairs are on an average leg? 1 million…I’ve literally pulled out a MILLION hairs individually within maybe a week. I’m fucking insane 💀

i even get the urges to pull out OTHER peoples hair…like my husband is so over my shit lmao. he’ll just be sitting there minding his business and I’ll just rip out a piece of his facial hair for no reason 💀
He gets so mad about it and I’m just like “sowwy, that hair was curlier than the others so I HAD to pull it out 🥺🥺”

Or even things like pulling out feathers from a pillow or blades of grass gives me the same satisfaction.

this is why I had to throw out all the tweezers in my house. Once I get a pair of tweezers in my hands, it’s OVER. I’ll literally sit here pulling out hair till the sun comes up

I need therapy lmao

1 y
y’all ever see an old man with one really long eyebrow hair sticking out?
I’ll notice it on a complete stranger and my intrusive thoughts will tell me “pull it out, pull it out 😈”
What mental illnesses or disorders do you have?
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